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    • 预备女子曲棍球横幅

      预科-女孩曲棍球- 2023 - 24

2023 - 24日日程安排





  • Athlete of the Week: Noémie Cloutier

    A Grade 11 student from 路易斯塔里夫, 魁北克, nosammie Cloutier是心脏, 在上周末的JWHL季后赛中,她一直是预备女子曲棍球队的灵魂和摇滚. With the team down two defenders all weekend due to injuries, the team’s captain played every second shift on defence. 她不仅履行了她的常规职责,关闭了反对派的进攻威胁, 但她也在进攻端做出了贡献,在揭幕战中打进了她本赛季的第一个进球. 她顶着严重挫伤的肋骨痛打球,从不抱怨. 如此渴望总冠军, she showed up three hours early at 6:00 am to prepare for the big game. 如果没有她的领导和无条件的奉献精神,女孩们不可能在这个周末取得成功. Congratulations, Athlete of the week Noémie Cloutier.
  • League Championships for Prep Girls, 大学男生

    Congratulations to our varsity boys and prep girls hockey teams, 他们都在上周日后来居上,赢得了各自的联赛冠军.
  • Co-Athletes of the Week: Laurie Aubin & 佐伊Charland

    Athlete of the Week is co-awarded to two linemates from prep girls hockey. 劳里·奥宾整个赛季都处于巅峰状态,在本周末的JWHL挑战杯上也没有让人失望. 她在加时赛中取得了制胜,帮助预科女生进入了该项目历史上的第一次冠军赛. 她在6场比赛中以5球5助攻的成绩完成了比赛,在比赛中排名第四. 劳瑞的加时赛进球得到了佐罗·查兰的助攻,他在整个赛季都发挥了同样的作用. 佐伊在本周末的6场比赛中打入9球,贡献3次助攻,得到12分,在联赛中排名第二. Like Gretzky and Messier or Lemieux and Jagr, 这两名队友在积分榜上领先,但他们的职业道德和永不放弃的态度也很重要. 恭喜你,劳里·奥宾 and Zoe Charland.
  • Athlete of the Week: Laurie Aubin

    This student-athlete from Boisbriand, 魁北克 has been a rock all season for the prep girls hockey team. Her selflessness and game IQ generate countless chances for her squad. 最后, 过去的一周, 这些机会都在她的防线上实现了,她打进了全部四个进球,最终以4比0战胜了圣迭戈队. 劳伦斯·斯蒂尔周六的演讲. For her part, Laurie contributed a hat trick. 在接下来的比赛中,她贡献了2次助攻,帮助球队以5比1战胜莱斯纪念大学. Not only did she have a great weekend on the ice, 这位九年级的学生还带领团队在前往伯灵顿的巴士上进行了两个小时的卡拉ok表演. 恭喜你,劳里·奥宾.
  • Hockey Weekend Update – March 11-13 

    冠军的胜利,令人心碎的失败,以及常规赛的表现为本周末的斯巴达人曲棍球队加油. Varsity girls competed in the JWHL Playoff Tournament in Boston, 大学男生参加了在多伦多举行的CPSHA冠军赛,两支预备队都在主场举行了比赛. 
  • Athlete of the Week: Jamie Arsenault

  • Hockey Week Recap - December 1-5

    周末,大学女生和预科男生分别前往安大略省和魁北克市参加各自的比赛. The varsity boys were away across the border for the weekend. The prep girls held down the fort here at home for a pair of games.
  • Congratulation to Coach Pimm on his 100th win as varsity girls coach.

    Hockey Weekend Recap – November 19-21 

    This Sunday’s game was the sole game for the varsity boys this weekend. They faced off against Kimball Union Academy at the 帕特·伯恩斯竞技场 
  • Hockey Weekend Recap – November 4-7

    大学男生前往明尼苏达州参加一场表演赛和2021年上中西部高中国际邀请赛. 也在路上, 预备学校的女生们将前往希望港迎战三一学院,进行两场比赛. The prep boys stayed home to host John Rennie in a pair of games.
  • Hockey Weekend Recap – October 30-31

    过去的这个周末, the varsity boys and prep boys played at home, while the prep girls traveled for their first game in program history.
  • 观看冰球的新方式

    这个周末, 斯坦斯特德大学曲棍球队将通过帕特伯恩斯竞技场首次亮相其新的流媒体系统 Gameonstream. It will bring a whole new experience to watching games and practices online.
  • (l-r) 考特尼Tougas, 主教练; Kyra Borsoi, Assistant Coach; Frank Longo, Goalie Coach

    Prep U16 Girls Coaching Staff Named

    考特尼Tougas 被任命为体育菠菜大平台第一支U16女子冰球队的主教练.


考特尼Tougas, 主教练